Winter Solstice

Jason Lewis

Jason Lewis has created 1 entries
  • 3 Simple Actions to Help Seniors Improve Their Quality of Life

    Research shows that quality of life for seniors is inextricably linked to physical and mental health. Therefore, it is vital that seniors are attentive to their mind-body relationship and the role it plays in sustaining and improving health, happiness, and well-being. Embracing a tripartite commitment to the acts of knowing, being, and doing will help you take control of your physical and mental health and move you in the right direction of achieving your lifestyle goals.

    Overcome obstacles, tap into your strengths, and uncover your true potential with counseling from Winter Solstice Group. Call 909.992.0979 to schedule an appointment.


    Know about things that matter to you and your well-being. Knowledge is critical to forming paradigms and strategies to create your lifestyle. Where uncertainty causes anxiety, knowledge reduces stress by creating capacity for making confident, informed decisions. Take responsibility for your total well-being. Do this by knowing your options for the most important things such as health, money, education, and relationships. For most seniors, the highest quality of life is associated with sufficient income, good health, consistent learning, and quality social relationships.


    Be healthier. Be wealthier. Be wiser. And be involved. The art of “being” is first a mindset, then a tangible reality. To create your lifestyle, you must first envision that lifestyle. You must see yourself living and being that vision. This is taking control of your mental and physical health. Understanding who you are individually and in relation to others is a key component to identifying the goals you must achieve to attain the lifestyle you envision for yourself.


    Do what it takes to be the person you want to be by practicing what you know. Your commitment to doing is your commitment to being. Start by focusing on the things that matter most:

    • Health is a primary quality of life factor for seniors. Be sure to schedule regular physical exams. Get healthier by working out and participating in sports and recreation activities, such as tennis, pickleball, chess, or cooking.
    • Money is a major stressor for many. Learn what creative opportunities you have for supplementing existing income. Maximize your revenue by starting a business. This is one great way to keep busy and stay fulfilled. It’s easy to research how to start and operate a business. You can set up a “doing business as” name and a website to brand your business and build the brand through various product and service offerings under different names should your chosen domain be unavailable.
    • Learning enhances cognitive function. Find the best educational platforms for you and engage them. Learn with passion and stay motivated by picking up a pair of high-quality headphones listening to music or engaging podcasts and reading voraciously. You can even learn to play an instrument or paint.
    • Healthy relationships contribute significantly to overall well-being. You can cultivate great relationships with friends and acquaintances in any number of environments, such as civic and business organizations, team sports, creative classes, and political and religious organizations, among others. Be socially active by engaging with others who share the same interests.

    When it comes to cultivating a quality lifestyle through taking responsibility for your own physical and mental well-being, keep it simple. A focused mindset is your best ally in living your very best life.